Are Those Real?

Are Those Real?  Why Yes, Yes They Are. 

I upgraded my saggy pancakes to fresh muffins..... Yep! You read it right. Perhaps I should’ve titled this post “Are Those New?”.   I had a Breast Reduction.  The process was surprisingly easy and the only thing I regret is that I waited this long. 

I’d had an appointment earlier last year and flaked. I thought there’s no way my insurance will approve it and there’s no way we are paying for it out of pocket. We have financial goals and my rack would not bring us closer to them. Finally I said what the heck I'll see what they say. They can only say "yes" or "no", right?

October 9 was my consultation with the surgeon. The office was very nice. The staff was extremely friendly. My surgeon, was personable and made me comfortable. His nurse Lauren was lovely,  I adore her. They both explained the process to me, surgical and insurance approval. I knew it may take a while to hear back from the insurance company.

In my mind it was a long shot but I’d wait. Fast forward to November 14, I get a call from an unfamiliar number and send it to voicemail. When I listen to the message my heart stops (not literally). I’m so excited I realize I have a few tears streaming down my face. It was Lauren with the best news ever.  When I call Lauren back she asked when I want to have the surgery. It just so happened they had an available date in November, that very month. I know you’re thinking whoa quick.... yeah it was and I liked it that way. Having the surgery before the end of the year worked perfect for me because my deductible was met already. Better being, cheaper.....

So November 30 with my husband in tow and mom already at the surgery center waiting I entered the surgical center full of nerves. My husband while happy for me was not exactly excited. I guess the protector in him is not comfortable with the anesthesia. He was nervous. I remember very little after my IV drip started including leaving and the ride home.

What you can expect before and after.


You will meet with your surgeon and discuss size and proportion.  You will discuss why you want the procedure.  For insurance purposes they'll need to show your insurance company that the procedure is medically necessary.  

Once approved.  You will go over preparation. There is a list of medications you cannot take before surgery so pay close attention to pre-op instructions.  You will go over the type of procedure that the surgeon will use.  There are several ways to reduce the size of the breast. Here are the types of procedures used to perform a  breast reduction; Liposuction, vertical or lollipop incision, and anchor or inverted T incision.  My surgeon used the Anchor/inverted T.  Oh and they reduce and LIFT!!! 

What you should know/ What you should ask

If you think you might want to breastfeed in the future you should mention that to your surgeon.  You could possibly lose sensation in your nipples.  I did not, but my doctor did warn me that you could either lose it, gain more or it  would stay the same.  You will need to speak to the surgery center to find out what your out of pocket cost will be.  What will be expected of you when you arrive on the day of surgery.  They may say you have to pay the amount the day of but that is usually not the case.  Make sure you ask specifically if they offer payment plans.  They hate telling you these things but if they tell you a number you aren't prepared to pay or want to breakdown do not be afraid to say no and ask for another option. There is almost always another option.  

Surgery Day

Wear a front open shirt and comfortable pants that are easy to out on.  Someone else may be dressing you.  You won't be able to lift you arms to put a shirt on.  This is VERY important.  Your chest will be bandage wrapped so a bra is not needed.  My husband went out and bought me some comfortable fur slide in moccasins so I could easily get in them afterward.  It is an outpatient procedure and last a couple of hours depending on the size of your breast and how much tissue will need to be removed it could be longer. 

Take the quick route home and for all that is holy do not let your driver drive you home in the farm use pickup. (kidding) No really, a bumpy ride would be torture. 



I had to sleep upright. They suggest a recliner and although I have a loveseat in my room I opted to sleep with raised pillows. I had drains. My husband drained them twice a day and
With out the snapchat filter I looked like the Walking
wrote down the output. I followed a liquid diet for the first evening. Although I had anti-nausea medication I did get sick once ironically after taking the "anti-nausea" medication. (My husband is a real trooper).

You can not be left alone the first 24 hours. I suggest longer, 36 maybe. I was doped up on painkillers I slept most of the time. Waking to eat.  They recommend stool softeners. The medications can  and will cause constipation. They didn’t work for me. I was miserable even drinking cleansing tea with no movement. It was a full week before I got movement and it was very little. When I finally did it was painful. So my suggestion is ask your doctor for the BEST stool softener or options to get your bowels moving not just softened.

They recommend you do move around since you are at risk for clotting.  I had to wear compression socks the first 24 hours and during surgery.  

DO NOT Lift anything. Not even the jug of milk. It seems silly but you won’t realize it until it’s too late. This includes opening heavy doors. Still to this day 5 weeks post opt and I cannot lift heavy objects and when I have lift my son or groceries I can feel it in my beast area. This was probably the most difficult part for me. I’m a SAHM, I have a toddler son. One that falls asleep in the car or on the floor and I need to lift him. It’s very limiting. I know it’s mainly for stitch and suture purposes but I think it goes beyond that.  

Working out.  I just resumed my workout.  Although I cannot stretch my upper area much.  Stretching too far over my head or anyway that will pull my chest area cause discomfort.  Walking is recommended.  

Follow up

At my 2 week follow up.  My surgeon went over the procedure and results from biopsies he had done from masses he removed during the procedure.  I am happy to say that they were Fibroadenomas (benign).  He removed two separate masses during the surgery.  He also let me know they removed roughly 3 lbs of tissue (YAY!) down 3lbs in a could of hours.  


You won't know this for some time, months maybe.  I have no clue.  I still wear sports bras and bralettes.  I recommend sticking with the big sizes since you'll still be swollen.  I thought.  I'll be smaller instantly so I order a smaller that usual but I was so swollen that they were too tight.  Now as time goes on they are becoming more lose.  

They will be SUPER perky BUT they will drop a bit to a more natural look. Yet still perky. 

Scar Treatment

I recommend this Woundvite supplement for you recovery.  My doctor said at my 2 week appointment I looked 1 month healed.  My doctor recommended Strataderm scar therapy and it is working well.  I purchased it at his office, BIG mistake.  In writing this post I came across it on Amazon for over $30 less that I paid.  It does work.  You only apply it once a day.  

My overall experience was good.  I am pleased with the results. Really pleased.  I am still sore and unable to sleep or lay on my chest.  The scaring is healing and I know it will take time.  The most noticeable scar is the scar that extends toward my side/ underarm.  They narrow the breast and remove excess tissue from that area as well.  I would definitely recommend the procedure if you have significant shagging as we as mom know children and breastfeeding can be harsh to our breast. Just be prepared.  Gather all the information you need to make an informed decision.  Pick your surgeon wisely and most importantly be patient.  

Although I love my results and I have no regrets I want to stress that our bodies are amazing.  As moms we've birth life and been stretched beyond capacity and yet we are still beautiful as we are.  There is nothing wrong with making upgrades if you want and are able to but it's far more important to love yourself as you are.  Let 2019 be your year of self-care and self-love.  If people don't like what they see....tell they to look the other way.  You are enough....more than enough.  


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