Mother/Daughter Brunch

This weekend the girls and I had a Mother/ Daughter Brunch with a couple of mom and daughter duo/ trios.  To say they had a blast would be an understatement.  We met at Cracker Barrel Saturday Morning at 11 am.  While waiting the girls played in the store in the toy area with checkers and display toys.  Us mamas chatted off to the side about our Saturday plans.

After being seated at a large round table the girls laughed and got acquainted with each other as there were a couple who were meeting for the first time.  They told jokes and laughed.  As I observed them interact I could see in each girl how an environment like this could be beneficial.  They were mindful to include each other.  They ordered different items.  No one ordered the same thing.  They weren't influenced by the other their individual personalities were able to shine.  They didn't shrink as they may have with their classmates.

Meanwhile us mamas carried on like old friends myself being the common link between the two.  Both moms were meeting for the first time but by the end of the meal they were exchanging numbers and getting on perfectly.  It was a refreshing experience.  We were able to chat about everything from our fitness goals and nutrition to skincare and fashion.  One mom sharing with us her herbal life weight loss challenge and up and coming weigh in and another completely satisfied with her curvier shape wanting only to target and tone certain areas.  There was no judgment only encouragement and positive energy.  This was key for me. In a world where moms are pitted against each other and comparisons seem to be the norm interacting with other woman can be energy draining.  Positive affirmations were the trend not only with us mamas but with the girls as well.

As we parted ways the girls embraced saying their goodbyes trying their best to prolong the afternoon
with a trip to the near by Target.  (My girls...ugh) One mom had a stop at two birthday parties on her agenda while another a night out later that evening as did I.

As we move further into 2019 it is becoming abundantly clear to me that the energy you surround yourself with is paramount.  One of the things I've always tried to instill in my girls is to be kind and never look down on people or believe yourself to be superior.  Of course they fall short as  do I but it is a message that is constant in our home and even as Ayanna gets older I still remind her.  I want my girls to be kind to everyone they meet.  I want them to embrace friendships of diversity.  I also want them to nurture their friendships and learn to establish healthy relationships. This also means they must learn to recognize unhealthy ones. Recognizing toxic energy is important but recognizing positive energies and gravitating towards them is key.

Our plan is to continue to expand our mommy/ daughter group in size and diversity. We hope to create a safe social community for our children as well as ourselves built on mutual trust, respect and love.


***After  brunch with my younger girls on Saturday Ayanna and  enjoyed a brunch date Sunday. Do the weekend was full of Mommy/ Daughter time.

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