February Intentions

So January was my first month doing monthly intentions. Recapping my month I’d say I faired, okay.  Meh. Better than I would holding myself to resolutions.

  1. I spoke to God more but not nearly as much as I would like or need to. I’ll continue to work on my prayer life.
  2. I was active and will continue to be but I’d like to increase my activity. I’m still limited since my surgery which is a little frustrating since I didn’t anticipate the limited mobility and had a few setbacks when I resumed my workouts. 
  3. Eating veggies... meh I eat them but I could increase them. I ate a couple of meatless meals but they were salads. Honestly I have little interest in meatless meals outside of salads or pastas.  I don’t like legumes and  I like meat, poultry and seafood. I have committed to “Meatless Monday’s” and I think I can handle 1 day. I think 🤔
  4. I did cut back drastically on my sugar intake. Whoop whoop..... I like sweets so although I cut back I did not not cut them entirely. Moderation works just fine for me. 
  5. I was more present in fact too present. I haven’t finished my book YET. So I plan to be unavailable this weekend. Lol 
  6. That brings me to my money mindful intention. I did pretty well in this area. I could always do better but I did my best to stay out of Target and that was half the battle.   
  7. Getting up..... well that was a bust. Lol never happened not even once. I’ll try again in the spring. I’ll blame it on the cold weather. Hahaha yep it’s Old Man Winter’s fault. 

 So for the sake of transparency there you go.  I’ve learned to be gentle on myself.  Some overly judgmental people can call it being “lazy” I call it living. Every person is different and everyone has different goals. Be gentle on yourself. If your goals require you to establish the commitment and discipline of an athlete then go for it. If not, then make those small changes that will help you to balance your life where you’d like it.

As you find your way all I ask is never judge anyone else’s journey or decide yours is the “right” one.  Allow people to be themselves. Encourage self-love and body positivity. Embrace the diversity around you. Be kind to others and most of all be kind to yourself.

Here are my February Intentions.


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