Where’s My Reward #momlife

My husband is hands down the best. I know I sing his praises but he deserves it. I’ve never had to beg him to spend time with the kids or us as a family. He’s a family man and enjoys our time together. Heck sometimes I have to say “no kids. Just us” he wants to drag the little buggers everywhere.

He bravely takes them everywhere and many times on his own.  Now I say bravely because even I, their mother say “Hell no” to some outings. Sometimes I just refuse to do it. I already know how dinner at The Cheesecake Factory will end on a busy weekday when families and little kids are scarce. It will end with me screaming for the check telling my toddler to stop banging the granite tables with his big metal spoon and all the non parents and pretentious adults side eyeing my table. Nope I’d rather not. My husband could careless if he wants to go he’s dragging them with him, to the DMV, football games heck everywhere. The last time I took my son to a football game he dropped his train through the bleachers.... and yes I had to go all the way around and under to get it🤦🏾‍♀️.

I know some wives coddle their husbands and some treat them as if they’re incapable of taking care of their own kids. They dictate how to dress them, when to bathe them, what to feed them and every detail that goes into their care. Not this mom or wife. I treasure my “me time” and I trust my husband. He’s my partner, best friend and most importantly our kids are just that, OURS. So when he says he’s taking the kids to hangout he gets no resistance or instructions from me.

I don’t micromanage him. There have been days I didn’t have clothes picked out and he was on his own. He’s fixed hair and dressed them in summer shirts in the fall (of course they have coats).  He’s their dad and I know he would never harm them.

There have been nights (not school nights) that they all fall asleep on the living room sofa snuggled under him and don’t get up to get in the bed until 3am.... hey he makes sure they all get to their rooms and it’s not my business.

What I do find funny is while he’s hanging out with the kids there seems to be no shortage of awe struck bystanders that seem mesmerized by dads doing what we, as moms, do everyday.

Waiting on the check...
Every time Jarrett takes the kids out it seems someone thinks he needs a reward. (Rolling my eyes) Yeah really. He comes home with a grin bragging about their free dinners and lunches. Or the compliments they receive. He knows I’m going to roll my eyes so he does it on purpose. Don’t get me wrong. When these things happen it does warm my heart because in the world we live in today it’s nice to know that kindness and good still exist . However when I take my kids out. No one ever stops and says “wow you’re a great mom”. When I get to the register at Cracker Barrel the cashier has never informed me that my bill has been paid. These are actual things that have happened. To him of course.

So what is it about our society that treats active and loving dads like phenomenons? Don’t get me wrong I salute all the dads out there doing what all dads should be doing but I also salute all my mamas out there doing the same.

He eats the attention up and I won’t rain on his parade but to my Moms out there living the #momlife, Here’s your reward: You are AWESOME!

Sorry it’s not a free meal for FIVE or Four at Friday’s, Cracker Barrel or Hardee’s (yep true story)
But hey it still feels good. 🤷🏾‍♀️

What are your thoughts? When you see dads and their kiddos out does your heart melt? Do they seem mystical?


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