Day 11 15 Things That Will Help You In Your Pursuit Of Happiness

Day 11

There are many changes we can make in our lives when we’re looking to shift into our happiest self. As moms we tend to put everyone else’s needs above our own. That simple behavior can set off a chain reaction in our lives. It’s a habit that can be difficult to break. I read a quote once that I though hit the nail on the head.

“The problem with putting others first; you’ve taught them you come second.” (Anonymous)

Our love ones mean no harm when they become demanding with little consideration for our personal time or needs. The problem is we’ve told them through our behavior and prioritizing that they come first. Of course in some situations this can be true.

You know the saying; you must put your own mask on before you can save anyone else? Self-care is your mask. Your mental, physical and spiritual heath are imperative.

So you’re probably wondering; yeah okay easier said than done. Actually it’s a process but really with the small steps the rest soon becomes automatic.

10 Things that will help you in your pursuit of happiness.

  1. Meditation -yoga is an excellent way to meditate and stretch your body and mind.  This can be beneficial in many ways including improving your sleep habits 
  2. Sleep 7-8 hours minimum Avoid the snooze button. You only feel more tired prolonging your morning routine 
  3. Prayer - Start out just talking to God. Sometimes we think we lack the fancy words so we don’t go before God but all you have to do is talk to him  
  4. Time alone with yourself - get to know yourself. Enjoy time in solitude 
  5. Learn to say NO. Stop signing up for every bake sale if you don’t have the time. Heck if you don’t want to, DON’T! Say no to adding more to your plate but also to  peoples demands on your time and energy . Unsubscribe to people’s issues. Stop taking on other peoples problems. This bad habit can be emotionally and spiritually draining. You become invested in their issues and neglect your own. Say No
  6. Move! You don’t have to become a gym buff but simple physical activity does wonders for your physical and mental heath. 
  7. Learn to communicate your needs. 
  8. Declutter and organize 
  9. Journal- writing about your day or events can help give you clarity and perspective. 
  10. Spend less
  11. Avoid comparisons 
  12. Daily affirmations - download an app, get a affirmation calendar or stick to one affirmation that you feel you need to hear and read or repeat them daily. I have post- its in my bathroom mirror. 
  13. Forgive yourself and others. Release people. Release yourself. 
  14. Unplug from social media from time to time. I do this from time to time and it’s liberating. Some times I let me phone go dead and don’t charge it for days. LIBERATING 
  15. Smile more. Take time to smile throughout the day at the people you come in contact with. 

I believe you have the ability to manifest that which you speak, see and believe. See yourself happy. See yourself whole and you’ve already done half the work.


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