Mommy Who?

Everyone knows grandmas' house is always more fun than mom and dad's, right? 

Well this past week if I didn't know my girls gave me a swift dose of reality.  When My MIL (Mother in Law) said she was getting the girls the other Sunday I said YES! and packed their bags in record time to the rim (for extra days of course) and they were off.  Well as the days went on my "little muffins" didn't call their father or me.  Complete radio silence.  I  FaceTime one day,  no answer or call back. 

My husband and I went to a food festival and had some much needed QT.  So finally I talked to Ava and Alivia....they were in Grandma heaven. 

They'd been to the beach and were headed back, completed some YouTube projects Grandma bought supplies for and had new sneakers from Papa, just having a blast.  Oh, not to mention the new swimsuits. 

If you cant tell, my MIL spoils them rotten. I thought they would stay a couple of days maybe 3...nope....these little ladies stayed the full week. 

I thought back to when My hubby and I almost relocated to Rochester, NY and my mother and MIL were none too happy.  Ultimately my husband took a $20,000  pay cut to stay here near family in Virginia.  I am thankful for my family and how close we are.  Growing up a military brat I missed time with my extended family.  I understand my dad was in the military and it was unavoidable but seeing the relationship my kids have with my parents and my in-laws makes me all the more determined to do everything in my power to make sure they always maintain and nurture it.  Grandparents play such a vital role in our children's' lives. 

So after being home one day my girls are now gone with my parents...see how they do Mommy...but I am okay with it.  As they get older I pray my children cherish these moments and continue to spend as much time as humanly possible with their grandparents. Not to mention the mommy breaks this allots me....

Grandparents are like Rock Stars to their grandchildren.....who am I to step between I guess I'll see them some time this week.


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