You had a job?

This week I had a conversation with my daughters about Ava's old babysitter.  I mentioned I wished she lived closer so she could watch their baby brother for a day or two.  This lead to a conversation about my previous job.  Well Alivia Grace interrupts the whole conversation with this one question "You had a job?" .

A little back story is, YES I had a job. One I liked very much.  I was a Program Coordinator and oversaw the city afterschool programs.  I loved my job it was very rewarding. I'll blog about that another day.  Back to Miss Alivia Grace.

Alivia Grace is my super sensitive child extremely intelligent so much so that it's somewhat surprising but not because you expected her not to be but because she's very shy at times and reserved around others. However, when she does talk she doesn't filter it, she's very honest and just says and asks what she's thinking at the time.

I resigned while on maternity leave with Alivia in September 2010.  With the excessive cost of childcare and both my husband and my demanding schedules at the time it just made more hindsight not so much.

Alivia has never known mommy to work outside the home. It's a foreign concept to her. When I recently spoke of reentering the workforce she looked at me like I said I was signing up with the traveling circus. 

I chaperone every fieldtrip the teachers permit, carve pumpkins with the class, attend 2 minute performances nestled an hour into programs and I'm at the bus stop every afternoon in leggings and Toms. I volunteer with United Way and I don't say these things to brag because I was a single and married working mom once.  I know lots of moms can't make it to those things..... In fact I'm lamenting. 

You see I worked before I was of legal age, babysitting for a neighbor.  I was raised that way.  I liked working and earning my own way. Becoming what society has coined a "SAHM"  has become a scarlet letter per se.  No one wants to touch you.  It doesn't matter if you finished your education while you've been home, stayed up to date with the latest software and technology, you're a pariah.  Even your kids think...Really you want to work? Doing what exactly?

Why is that? Why do people think raising kids somehow makes you incompetent? Are SAHMs destined in that role forever?

To find humor in the situation I often joke and compare myself to the mom on Everybody Hates Chris.....Saying "I don't have to man has two jobs".....hahahaha 

Well Alivia Grace yes, mommy had a job and still does if we're being honest but for the moms out there that can't seem to break that SAHM barrier in the workforce keep pushing you'll get there or hey create your own, start a business, write, go back to school, whatever DO IT!


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