Coffee Please!!!

My doctor delivered a terrible blow...She told me I had to cut back if not stop my coffee (caffeine) intake....Really!?!

Many women don't know that caffeine can have an effect on their breast health.  I have a benign growth in my right breast called a Fibroadnoma.  While it can be painful it is harmless... However, caffeine tends to aggravate the growth making it painful and quite a nuisance. 

My doctor's solution aside from having it removed, little to no caffeine intake. 

So...what's the problem.  Coffee brings me to life every morning.  After a cup of joe I feel like Wonder Woman.....I can clean, multitask...the whole 9 yards.

So what now?

I've changed my roast to medium or light and limited myself to one cup a day.  The difference in my breast pain is obvious with the change.

What's something you need to give up? Is it health related or just personal growth. Do you weigh the rewards and risk?


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