My fearless Cub

My son, we all call Baby J is like a little fearless cub.  He never seemed to be afraid of anything.  I can vacuum his feet and he sticks them further out.  He climbs things and jumps off head first.  He love dogs, big and small. He even lets them lick him in the face. We saw a baby pig in Carytown the other weekend he stopped to say "hey..grrrrr".  So I thought there really is nothing he seems to be scared of. Well,  I found out he may not be as fearless as I thought in the most embarrassing way. 

After checking out at Walmart I pushed him and my new purchases toward the exit.  Out of nowhere he begins to scream at the top of his lungs.  I couldn't figure out what on earth was wrong with him.  He seemed to be staring off at something.  So being the great mother that I am I followed his sight line.  There it was sitting in the in store salon at a beauticians' table.  A wig head. I look back at him and the look of terror in his eye was terrible.  He was petrified.

I pushed him out of the sight line of the wig head and he instantly calmed.  Now, around Christmas I was visiting my sister-in-law and nieces and they received two Barbie wig heads from Santa.  He reacted to them but not as bad as this scene.  My sister-in-law put them up and all was fine. He was distracted by Millie, her dog. 

So apparently Baby J is petrified of wig heads and hey, who can blame him. For a baby it may be a little unsettling to wonder where the heck is the rest of her?  My fearless cub is still just as fearless as he was before except for wig heads, oh and puppets (I recently discovered).  Moral of the story wig heads are of the devil and puppets should never come from behind the curtain, according to my fearless cub of course.


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