Mommy Time-out

You know the days that feel like if it can go wrong it will go wrong? The days when your kids yelling "mommy" ever 5 second sounds like fingernails scratching on a chalkboard.  We can't all be the doting mom every second. 

You know these days are coming when it starts at night.....your sleep is off and you can just imagine how the day will go. People say positive wake up with a smile. Really?

Your kids wake off and it seems like they slept on the wrong side of the bed too.  They're grumpy, don't like what you picked out to wear and you always have that child who moves at a snails pace in the morning.  THIS is the morning they decide to give you HELL.

If you have a small one at home...instead of sleeping until say 9ish he's up before the big kids are even dressed....yep this day sucks already.  He's clinging to Daddy like he's heading off to war and you know that the tantrum will start as soon as your hubby walks out the door because Hey, he doesn't want you today...he wants Daddy.

This is the day your teen tries to fly out the house in a crop top and ripped jeans (against the code). So you have to deal with the dramatics of a teenage are the worst and never let her wear what she wants....of course.

A boot has magically vanished and your daughter only wants to wear those boots. Still rolling down the hill and its not even 9am.

Finally, you get your son his breakfast and everyone is off.  Today you get a reminder email from Sallie Mae....your archenemy.  Sallie I hate you!

You go to make your coffee and are out of creamer....who used the last one...oh that was you.  Milk just isn't the same.

You have errands to run and well your son just wants to hangout at home....So he decides to make you regret the moment you left the house.  The tantrum starts, people stare...Like "do something?" What do you suppose I do to a two year old that wants a nap and isn't interested in the dollar store or Food Lion? Of course when you're less than a mile from home he falls asleep just tuckered out from his performance.

After everyone gets home and you've heard every story about Jordan saying the "S" word on the bus or how a girl looked at your teen with a stink eye and her school lunch is something Satan cooked up to punish've had enough...almost.  Your husband comes and gives you the final shove off the cliff when he dozes off on the would kill for a nap.....That's it! You officially need a Mommy-timeout. 

Now this is all hypothetical but we've all been there.  We can't be ON it every day ...heck I'm not ON  most days but we do a lot and sometimes you need to put yourself in a time-out for the sake of others.  No one will be happy if mommy's not....

Grab a bottle of wine and that snack you've been wanting all day but didn't bring it out because you secretly didn't want to share with your kids...and lock your bedroom door behind you.  Daddy will manage just fine.


Thank you to my husband for jumping in when I am on the verge of insanity....Teamwork!

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