Our Rainbow Baby

Reading a post of one of my Facebook friends I learned the term "Rainbow Baby".  The post was to raise awareness of some sort  of all the babies now angels in heaven that were never given a chance to live...stillborn, miscarriages deaths by SIDs...

Apparently there is some stigma attached to these tragic events.  I am not sure if it's a stigma or more that the events are so devastating that people tend not to share their experiences.  As they say there are words for many relationships as it equates to loss... if you lose a spouse you are a widow....a parent an orphan and so on but there is no word in the English language to describe a parent whose lost a child. 

I have a "Rainbow Baby" by definition.....I can say that there must be something to the term.  I love all my children equally but I felt a certain joy when my son was born.  Not just because he was our only son but because of what we endured before him.  I can attest that your fears and anxiety for your baby that follows a lost literally don't dissipate until you are holding that healthy baby in your hands after birth. I can only imagine that for parents who lose a child after birth suffer much longer.

Each parent has their own story of loss.  My husband and I like many parents were virtually blindsided by my miscarriage although we had loss previously.  Our daughter was originally a twin.  We were told early on in the pregnancy that I suffered from Vanishing Twin Syndrome.  While I went on to have one healthy baby girl, Alivia Grace I never forgot about the original ultrasound images that identified two babies.

For a mother the loss of a pregnancy is compounded with the events that follow....That most people probably don't think of.  For a mother who began showing in her pregnancy you are left to watch your body change, your uterus deflate wiping away any evidence of what was lost....many mothers like myself are left to undergo a D&C surgical procedure. Going through the process of registering at a hospital and people poking and prodding you only to leave empty handed and get a bill for an astronomical cost and feel empty. The worst part for myself I would say is the initial realization...The ultrasound where you once saw a baby forming void of any activity, no heartbeat no movement.

But.....There can be beauty and love in the aftermath of such a loss.  I cherish my children and my son...he completed our family.  So maybe we should share our stories more to give hope to those who are traveling through storms we've already been through.

My name is Sharese mother of 4.   I suffered a mischarge at 11.5 weeks on August 16, 2012.  I'll never forget that day or how I felt in a million years.  At the end of our storm we found a rainbow.....born January 29, 2015.
Our Rainbow Baby...Baby J

Here are some cute pictures of Rainbow Babies

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