annual stomach flu shuffle

Well this weekend started with a bang or a splat...however you want to look at it. 

We kicked off our Annual Stomach Flu shuffle. Now you would think I would have seen this coming....with all my creative writing classes and all.  You learn about foreshadowing and all that jazz. So when Alivia came home last Monday and said little Marcus in her class upchucked all over the gym floor, I should have foreseen how my week would end. Nope. I missed it.

I missed it again when Alivia said those dreaded words..."my stomach hurts".  Well when you have four kids who doesn't have something that hurts at some point?

Friday night/ Saturday morning as my PM pain meds have settled in Alivia races in my room and dives next to my side of the bed moaning "Mommy".....

Okay so I should explain I'm in a PM med fog and my husband is on the couch downstairs snoring while his movie watches him.  Before  I can register what's happening she takes off out the room.  It's only then that I realize what's about to happen.  She's heading in the direction of the bathroom. Mind you I have an en-suite but she bypasses that.  I think for sure she'll head to the hall bath...nope. She bypasses it for her room and vomits right on her bed.

Really! So I direct her to the bathroom when she takes a breather.  I have a weak gag reflex in these situations if I see it I am likely to be sick.  So in my PM med fog I have a brilliant idea to just grab the sheets and head to the tub and rinse them...problem is Alivia's not a chewer....So my tub clogs. Great. I do the best I can and leave the sheet in the tub for the night and get Alivia washed up.  I tell her to get to the foot of Ava's bed.  On my search for a bed bucket I come up short so I settle for the large Christmas gift bag (PM med fog) that had been sitting in the corner of my room since Christmas.

I pray once she's settled in this was just a one time thing and we'll rest.  My PM meds start to do their magic again just as I settle in for some much needed sleep Alivia burst in the room dumping the contents of her stomach in the darn Christmas bag....why?

Why do kids feel the need to notify you when they're going to be sick before going to the restroom? My husband wakes in the madness.  We finally get Alivia settled.  The bug lasted 24 hours but we know the game.  We stare at each other waiting for the other shoes to drop....who will be next.  It's only evitable right? 


P.S. Tell your kids to wash the hands at school and stay away from little boys named Marcus that upchuck on the gym floor.

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