My (not so routine) Morning Routine


With a family of six you can only imagine that mornings in my house are nothing short of chaotic.  If I don't end up running to the bus stop or realizing one of my kids forgot their snack I consider the morning a success.

I have a "Morning Routine" of course....but I'm a mom and let's face it if there is one thing you learn as a mom it's that things rarely go as planned.  I'm not that mom that is perfectly organized and my kids are pristine and drinking smoothies every morning....nope.

Some mornings they get cereal, some they get a pop tart (don't judge me) but most mornings they eat breakfast at school. 

You know that saying "but  first coffee" well that's me.  A morning person I am not.  My poor husband knows my morning alter ego far too well and it's not pretty.'re probably wondering how this "routine" really plays out. 

My clock is set to wake me at 6:15am but I hit the snooze button until 6:30am.  Between 6:30 and 7:10 my wonderful little ball of energy son often wakes and he wakes like a ferocious beast ready to eat and play.

Thank god for a teen daughter still home because most mornings I don't have to drag him to the bus stop and on days I'm under the weather she can walk the girls to the corner.

I make my coffee and allow the caffeine to fully bring me to life. While my son squeezes his yogurt pouches on the floor or cries for some random thing that I have no idea he wants...... I usually notice about this time a library book or snack that was left behind. My 16 year old normally pics this time to bring me papers to sign or "remind" me for the FIRST time she needs lunch money.

I do try to squeeze in a phone convo with my girl friend to chat books and kids on her commute to work. Or my mom to chat about the kids and politics. This is provided my son is in the sharing mood....

If you're one of those moms.....yep I said it, the organized ones with the pristine homes, not one throw pillow out of place while my family room is being eaten alive by Thomas the Train toys and blocks...then good for you but if you're a mom like me.....the one who use to skid into Saturday morning dance class with one kid in leggings and a t-shirt the other in a tutu because the one tutu went missing that morning then you feel my plight.... 

In all I think it's great to have a routine but don't feel horrible if things don't go as planned.  Life's not scripted you just have to go with it.  


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