Be Fearless...

We've all been afraid at some point in time....Whether we're afraid to start something new, end something old, speak boldly....whatever, we've all been there.

I've often been crippled by fear and been passive when I should've been bold.  For women it can be hard to step out and be bold because society expects us to be meek and reserved. 

Growing up if a young girl was bold she was "Bossy" and for boys, well they were just showing good leadership skills.

This year I'm facing those fears head on....... I love this quote. Whatever your passion is don't be timid...step out and pursue your dreams.  Failure may come but that's okay....You may have to change your approach or start over entirely.  That's okay too.  Part of being fearless is also not being afraid to be exposed.  We hide our flaws and failures and project lives that don't truly match up with our realities.

This is my year to be fearless, bold and unapologetically me......


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