10 Places to Add in Your Bucketlist

For the past decade I've done little to no traveling.....I've been busy having kids.  Well this year my husband and I made a vow we would travel if its the last or only thing we do. 

Now, I must add he traveled often in 2016 for work while I stayed at home.... yeah I know it sucked. This is OUR year. 

I'm a former army brat. I've traveled and traveled well.  I lived in the Netherlands for 5 years.  Some of the best years of my life.  There was an abundance of history and culture to experience. 
Now as an adult I'm a bit jealous of my younger self. 

Jarrett and I have now completed our passport applications.

So through this process I had to ask myself where do I want to go.... what's on my bucket list and what should you put on yours? Here we go....

  1. Pyramids of Giza- Giza, Egypt
  2. Taj Mahal- Uttar Pradesh, India
  3. Amazon Rainforest - South America
  4. Rome - Italy
  5. Grand Canyon- Arizona  
  6. Australia (Melbourne and Sydney) ***visit Hillsong***
  7. London - United Kingdom
  8. Paris- France*
  9. Great Wall of China - China
  10. Reykjavik- Iceland

These are my personal top 10....I've only visited one...Paris, France on a trip to Disneyland Paris.

Start now....Check out the great escape deals Groupon and Living Social offer.  Try Bookit.com and pay on a trip over time....Whatever you do TRAVEL!

If you're wondering where my husband and I decided on....You'll just have to stay tuned.  I'll blog all about it.


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