Day 8 #stayathomemomproblems


I’ve been just about every type of mom you can think of: teen, single, working, full time student, married, married with workaholic husband, business owner mom, soccer mom, dance mom, cheer mom, hotmess mom, hover mom and the list goes on.

SAHM (Stay at home mom) has been the most interesting. I attribute that assessment to the fact that I’ve had the pleasure of observing more of my children’s day to day lives. Yes..... the things we paid someone else to observe and do, I do now. Very interesting. All the little things I missed while they were with sitters, at daycare or preschool I have spent the past 8 years witnessing first hand.

SAHM problems.... people assume you do nothing. I’ve had people say to me “Well I had to work today”...... Ooookay?!?  Since you don’t punch a clock people consider your day free..... laughable right?  Moms in general have a lot on their plates and when you work outside the home you still have to take care of your home in the evenings. I’ve been there.  The difference,  not that it’s more or less just different,  is that when you are a SAHM there’s no break in the monotony. You don’t get to have lunch with co-workers and chat about anything other than your kids.  No you eat goldfish and sandwich squares on the floor with a toddler because he wants to have a picnic and you chat about the island of Sodor.

Can anyone relate? 

Bathroom break please? 

Let’s chat bathroom breaks.... funny right. My SAHM problem is getting a decent shower. Not a 2 minute soap up and rinse down.  I won’t even touch on actually using the restroom. Let’s just say to my son  “close the door” means close the door behind himself once he’s entered the bathroom with me. 🤦🏾‍♀️ Privacy is nonexistent. Co-workers at least let you do your business in peace.... I hope they still do. It has been 8 years. Lol

Sick Days

Look at Amanda’s face. comical right? 

I always think of the NyQuil commercials where the parent is telling the kid, yeah I’m not going to be in today.  It’s comical for a reason. Except if you work outside the home you’ve got options, right? When I did work outside the home if I were ill Jarrett would take Ava to the sitter, Ayanna would go to school and I  could stay home and rest in peace. As a SAHM there are no sick days. My son doesn’t care if I have a migraine and my family doesn’t accept call ins. My husband can’t miss work because I’m under the weather unless it’s serious or I’m having some sort of procedure.

Mom or maid? 

Your family may confuse “stay at home mom” for maid, personal chef and chauffeur.  I do moonlight in these areas but I had to make it very clear to everyone in my home starting with my wonderful husband that I am a stay at home MOM.

There are many things that I’m sure can be frustrating to SAHM  but the benefits out weigh the “problems”. When I think back on my oldest early years there are blanks and I realize it’s because I missed a lot. I had to work and I attended school. I had an excellent support system but you can’t get time back.

Now I get to chaperone trips as much as I like. I don’t miss a program at school and I can even eat lunch with my girls as often as I want.

Despite peoples’ perceptions of SAHM we work, we just don’t get to leave.  Enjoy this time with your babies. Never allow others to belittle what you do. And if you decide you’re ready to go back to work or there’s something else you want to pursue, do it. You won’t be any less of a kick butt mom if you do.

You are more than a mom and yet being a mom is one of the most important jobs you’ll have the privilege of having.


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