The Mouse and the Possum.....

My weekend was pretty uneventful with the exception of my Friday ladies' night which I  will blog about later. 

My family and I have a guest. An unwanted guest. A mouse, yep.....He's seeking shelter from the cold on our dime and this is war.  I have pulled out all the stops too.  I've called in reinforcements. I spent my Saturday reinforcing my pantry and sealing all cracks and crevasses that I could find before he decides to invite any of his homies in for a sleepover. 

Saturday my husband and I engaged in a little game of possum.  Before I go into this story, I should explain that with our first two kids Jarrett was a pro at possum.  I however, was an amateur.  When the baby would stir or cry I would jump up or attempt to wake him.  He would seem to snore louder, so I'd get up and handle whatever needed to be done.  By the time I returned to bed he'd stir all groggy and ask if everything was okay..... Now, early on I thought "awe he's waking", then I realized he's waking only after I've handled everything. Being that I was the mom that hated to hear her kids cry, I continued to get up.

Well by the time my son came around I got over myself and my kids.  It may have taken me a bit longer than the Luvs moms but I got it.  So I decided to engage in a little possum myself.  So when my son started to wake in the middle of the night I resisted the urge to get up (it was difficult at first).  I could tell my husband was looking at me but I steadied my breathing and kept my eyes shut.  Eventually he would get up. Now.... Let me say this my son is spoiled...yep it's my fault he is high maintenance.  Unlike my daughters who usually just wanted their pacifiers and couldn't find them, he however wants a diaper change, juice, his pacifier and his DVD restarted.  I would listen to my husband through the monitor trying to bargain with him....Nope he's not having it POPS....

I lay in the bed and snicker while he tries to figure out how he can avoid the onslaught of demands.  When he would come back to bed I would stir a bit but not much......The next morning he would always exaggerate how long he was up not knowing I was up too.  God I love that man....

Anywho we still play possum to this day.  I usually win.  Some days we play rock, paper, scissors.....

To the Mouse and the Possum...May I continue to win...


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