Family Holiday Pictures

We finally took “family” pictures. Except we didn’t “take” an actual “family” pic. I know... I know but I’ll explain later.

I went back and forth on the colors. My original colors were red, black and white.  I even purchased some of the attire.  From that scheme I went to navy, and green.  Subsequently settling on Navy and black.

It's been years since we've taken family pictures.  In fact we have grown by 2 since the first and last time.  Sad....yes.  I knew this year that I really wanted to have our pictures taken professionally and in a formal setting with formal attire.

Hand, Foot and “Shut yo Mouth”



So the week ends in oatmeal baths, a mini pharmacy covering my counter and a canceled birthday party. Just throw the whole week AWAY!

I literally want to hose my entire house down in bleach but since that’s a bit extreme and not possible I’ll be spending the weekend washing every stitch of laundry, all throw blankets and pillows and wiping every surface down with disinfectant.

This was my first tango with Hand, Foot and Mouth  🥴. Baby J has been a big boy though. He’s let me throw everything but the kitchen sink at him.... from shots of elderberry to slathering him down in frankincense and almond oil or coconut oil, oatmeal baths and calamine lotion rub downs.

I’m trying every natural remedy Pinterest has ever pinned. I’ll let you all know which produced the best results. For now he’s much better and fever free. We will party later but I swear I’m itching everywhere but I’m not sure if it’s in my mind or in my body 🤔


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Fall Festival

Making Room Monday: Playroom

This past week Jarrett and I patched up holes in the walls. LOTS of holes. We’ve sanded the walls and finalized the paint colors. After two trips to Lowe’s we finally got the paint we need.  One
gallon of Benjamin Moore’s Pale Oak for the room and one of  Benjamin Moore’s White Dove for the closet nook.

We’ve removed the track closet doors. I haven’t decided how I’ll address to ugly metal tracks.  I’ll be paint tomorrow after I give the walls a good scrub down. Below are cross wall decals I purchased from Amazon for the room. I plan to accentuate the closet nook with these decals. 

Here are a set of pillows I’ve been undecided on, also from Amazon. 

Making Room Monday

Whole House Organizing!!!!

I’m on a mission to give each room in our house a makeover, declutterization (my new word 🤪) and functional purpose.

We bought our house back in August 2012. It’s a transitional colonial but since I’m the most indecisive person I’ve been all over the place with decor. I love farmhouses and the modern farmhouse decor so I’m leaning that way with my room designs.

The first room I’m going to tackle: The Kid’s den/playroom. We recently moved their room upstairs. The new room is much smaller so I have to get creative with the layout.

My plans for this room will include storage, modular seating and a homework station. I will be using the closet as a nook for storage and leaving the doors off the track

 Homework Wall Desk



  The animal wall is super cute.  We already have the Panda. 


 This Farmhouse Playroom looks super cozy and functional. 

One of my favorites! The minimalist look is gorgeous! 

Friendship: Why do we struggle with healthy friendships?

Friendship: Why do we struggle with healthy friendships?


Having daughters talks about friendships are pretty common in our household. We hope to have healthy friendships and if you have at least ☝🏾 soul sister you can consider yourself blessed.

So why do people, adults and youth alike struggle so badly in areas of friendship? 

1. I think part of our struggles come from our own expectations. Yep I said it! It’s not that others don’t “play” right or are disloyal really. When we have a set of expectations in our mind that the other person isn’t aware of and mostly didn’t even agree to we are often disappointed when they fail to live up to the expectations WE set.

2.  I think we struggle is, we expect what we don’t give. Hmmmm what do I mean. How often have you thought your friends didn’t care or where bad friends because they didn’t “check” on you or invite you out? I’ve been there. And while you’re thinking these thoughts you’re usually sitting by the phone (not checking on them) lol. Silly right. While you’re waiting on the invite you’re in the house when you could be inviting them to brunch or lunch. We expect what we don’t give. We want to receive but are slow to give.  This a very easy trap right? We live in a time where we are all so busy and seemingly preoccupied with our own lives, everyday battles and struggles.  We may forget that everyone is dealing with some struggle. So we fall short in checking in on our loved ones and we need to consider that they may have just has much going on as we do.  One of my girlfriend's whom I recently became a bit more close to is so great at this.  Far better than I.  She text me periodically to just check in on Jarrett, the kids and I.  Because she's been so consistent she's taught me how to do better.  So now she doesn't have to be the first to check in and it feels good to initiate that meaningful interaction.

Fall Bucket List

Fall Bucket List

A few summers ago, the girls and I started to create ‘Summer Bucket List’.  We gather together and listed activities we all wanted to do over the summer.  Our own attempt at a No Bummer Summer.

This year I thought it would be fun to expand our recent tradition into the fall.  Fall is my favorite season.  I love everything about Fall, except pumpkin spice. yuck!  The changing colors of the leaves, the cool breeze and the crisp air.  I’m a chunky sweater and boots gal so what better season to fall (ha) in love with?!?

A few things on our list include, visiting Natural Bridge, Carving pumpkins and making my late Grandma Rebecca's delicious apple fritter. 

Are there any traditions you and your family follow in the Fall?